From customer service to customer satisfaction

Xavier Martin
August 30, 2023

Emerging technology, including artificial intelligence, is driving the shift from customer service to customer satisfaction.


在电子媒体和其他社交网络的使用呈指数级增长的情况下,需要考虑新的交流习惯,同时需要保持人与人之间互动的人性化, decision-makers are faced with a challenge unlike any they have encountered. 要解决这种二分法,就意味着企业要重新思考如何利用技术来满足当今要求越来越高的客户. 好消息是,人工智能(AI)等新兴技术以及新工具和应用程序正在帮助企业从客户服务转向客户满意度.

To be fair, many companies have already invested in this area, 包括在可能的情况下与客户关系管理(CRM)工具集成. Additionally, multi-channel engagement has almost become the norm. Today, while the telephone remains the most used media, new channels including email, social networks, and voice or chat bots, to name a few, are gaining ground. And as far as the latter are concerned, 首要任务之一将是使它们具有一定程度的“智能”来挑战人类顾问, for the time-being at least, will continue to have a decisive advantage in this field.

As the quest to win and keep customers happy continues, organisations, propelled by recent technological progress, 他们是否正在从仅仅提供客户服务转向确保客户满意度. They are also acutely aware that what technology enables, technology can disrupt, and one misstep could irreparably damage their brand forever.

To help traverse this new territory, 我们制定了五个关键要素,以帮助机构将客户服务转变为客户满意度引擎.

1. The 360° customer experience: Today, most interactions take place in context. 这些交流也是客户提供信息的机会, whether structured (figures, dates) or not (feelings, events). Unfortunately, the latter data, 哪些可能不会被记录到系统中——实际上是把它变成了死信堆——这意味着当客户被要求一遍又一遍地讲述他们的故事时,他们会从怀疑变成恼火. A 360°customer experience can change all that. With technology in place to aggregate customer touchpoints, customer-facing employees have a comprehensive, 基于上下文的客户体验账户,能够提供当今客户所期望的服务和关注.

2. Self-service: 这个星球上几乎没有人没有经历过我们所熟悉的“1型糖尿病”... type 2 for...”. 客户关系经理继续面临着如何让座席(一种稀缺而昂贵的资源)完成几乎没有附加值的任务的挑战, 同时将那些低价值的任务转移给交互式语音应答(IVR)机器. However, "self-service" is undergoing a revolution led by AI innovations. 我们正在看到一代智能对话机器人——语音机器人——的出现,它们能够推理,因此能做的远不止基本任务. These bots are aided, in particular, by progress being made in voice recognition which, without replacing real dialogue between people, tends to humanise the relationship.

3. Sentiment analysis: 情感分析检测并解释自然语言背后的内容. We know how important feelings and emotions are to any customer experience, 这有助于我们认识到部署捕捉情感的技术所面临的挑战. Today, we have the capability to extract a feeling, beyond the raw information, whether in emails or voice calls and apply it in the relationship.

情感分析对于建立高质量的客户关系至关重要,但它很复杂. First, it is necessary to understand the feeling, then to link the information to a theme, 这是一个微妙的阶段,因为人们在电话里表达自己的方式不同, in an email or on social networks. 接下来是应用阶段,信息可以为未来的交换提供价值.

4. The extended enterprise: “扩展企业”一词指的是将整个公司纳入客户关系体验的能力. This implies that the customer satisfaction strategy is shared, understood and accepted by all employees.

扩展企业已经存在于其活动受制于可预测的需求峰值的组织中. For example, 订单量与日历挂钩的产品或服务供应商:黑色星期五, Christmas, Valentine's Day and Mother's Day, among others. This is what is known as a horizontal extension, mobilising the entire staff on a one-off basis and agreed to in advance. At the same time, however, it is anticipated that the extended enterprise, in vertical mode this time, will also develop, involving all the professions, and no longer on a seasonal basis but continuously. This puts experts alongside their colleagues on the front line, ready to provide assistance and participate in the collective effort. 然而,为了实现这一目标,公司必须为所有员工提供必要的服务 collaboration tools and platforms.

5. An omnichannel strategy: 虽然参与方式的范围多年来或多或少保持不变, 在大多数情况下,在所有这些渠道之间实现一致性的努力仍有待观察. 挑战在于如何独立地处理信息而不依赖其来源媒体, to restore it and use it in a "neutral" way in future exchanges, thus erasing the particularities linked to its source.

新兴技术正在颠覆客户服务的竞争环境, even with twenty years of ongoing innovation, was reaching status quo and demanding a new experience. Digital transformation is accelerating across industries, with a new generation of decision-makers at the helm. 今天的组织正准备响应日益知识渊博和要求苛刻的客户群的需求和期望,因为他们将客户管理中心转变为客户满意度中心.

下载我们的《火狐体育手机》,了解更多客户满意度管理的新时代 Improving the Customer Experience in the Digital Communications Era eBook.

Xavier Martin

Xavier Martin

Vice President, Market Development, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

Xavier Martin是阿尔卡特朗讯企业部市场开发副总裁. In this role, 他领导通信业务部门的解决方案营销和商业智能团队. 

Xavier在软件解决方案火狐体育手机拥有超过25年的管理经验, including business intelligence and customer service. In 2013, he published “Make It Personal”, 这本书解释了组织如何利用技术和消费者主导的转型进入企业通信的新时代, heralding what it’s nowadays known as Digital Transformation.


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